Big happenings going over here for moi and mia famiglia! Im not going to much into detail, at the moment if only because I am not going to risk jinxing this shiz! But its great, its FAB! Maybe not for you, but for me? and my clan, its HUGE! cant wait to share.

Right now I am 14 weeks pregnant... FOURTEEN! THATS IT! uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh! I look and feel like i should be about 5-6 months prego.. but alas here i am at a meer 14 weeks with nothing to show for it but exhaustion and a headache... lovely. Im so getting fixed after this ya'll! no mo fo me!

PB has another loverly tooth, that i had no clue was coming in, because my kid apparently feels no pain... that kid will crack her head on anything hard, and not even flinch.. but come near her with a needle? and she may cut you, no she will absolutely cut you. She is also 7 months old, and i missed the date and forgot to take pictures.. so i on one of these days where i have the time i intend to go all camera happy on her cutie butt! but for now, you have enjoy her picture with the hippty hop

PB has been army crawlin it up in this piece! you can blink, and that porky butt is accross the room, latched on to something! Usually its her crib legs, and she is trying to eat them but i mean whatevs! she's a movin baby! As of right now, we dont play on the floor down stairs, cause really ya'll i have 5 pets, and im TIRED and do not have the energy to vaccum every day (which i would have to with the zoo i got goin on over here) so we play in her room for now, its a no cat zone, dog only.

We also have a tooth, one small jagged tryin to rip my finger off, tooth! i love this tooth, i almost lost my mind when her Aunt Harlee felt it! the kid never was upset, or cranky, but im sure it was a fluke, and the next one she will go all physco baby on me, and try to chew a hole threw my arm... cant wait!.

Saturday, I got to venture out amongst the rest of the world sans baby! my sista had a lia sophia partaaay, bein one of the po'folk, i went for the food, a great friend of mine and her daughter came with.. there was of course skinny chicks in LARGE amounts, and i wanted to punch myself in the face, and some stupidity on some peoples parts that any other day, in any other place i would have called them on their bull, but it was neither the time nor place but damnit if i didnt wanna smack um for being stupid. past those 2 folks it was good times my nephew was of course insanely cute, PB was wonderful for her grandparents and i didnt have to change a single diaper from noon-8pm... hello faaaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous!